“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

— Mother Teresa

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Adult Services

Building Bridges offers a variety of adult supports and services.  The focus of all adult services is community inclusion.  Supports and services offered by Building Bridges include:

Community and Home Based Services

Building Bridges provides ongoing support to individuals so they can participate in fun and fulfilling community activities.  These activities focus on a combination of  social, recreational, and vocational goals designed to meet the specific interests and needs of each individual.

These services can be provided either on a one-to-one basis or in groups.

Community and Home Based Services

Building Bridges provides ongoing support to individuals so they can participate in fun and fulfilling community activities.  These activities focus on a combination of  social, recreational, and vocational goals designed to meet the specific interests and needs of each individual.

These services can be provided either on a one-to-one basis or in groups.

Supported Living – Outreach Support

Building Bridges supports individuals by assisting them in aquiring the skills necessary to ensure success while living independently.  These services are designed to meet the unique interests and needs of the individual.  It could include but is not limited to:

  • daily living skills
  • personal care
  • shopping and meal planning
  • money management and budgeting
  • home care and maintenance
  • peer relations
  • crisis response

Services can be one-to-one or in a group setting.

Out and About

PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID, Out and About has been put on hold. If you’re looking for ways to socialize with others, please visit our Zoom Hangout Sessions.

Out and About is open to any adult with diverse abilities living in Sooke, and Greater Victoria.

The goals of Out and About are to provide opportunities to socialize with peers, get out and about the community, try new things, and most of all, to have FUN!  

Out and About happens twice per month on Saturdays, 10am – 5pm. Outings are planned by the participants which include going out for lunch and recreational activities such going to the museum, bowling, visiting local parks and beaches, etc.

Pick up and drop off is available for those who need it. Participants are responsible for covering their own costs. Participation fees can be paid either directly or through funding.

For upcoming trip dates and activities check out the Out and About Schedule.

Home Share

Home Share is a residential option for adults with diverse abilities which involves an individual or family (home share provider) inviting an adult with diverse abilities to share their home and lifestyle. The adult can have a room of their own and share the rest of their home with the home share provider. Alternatively, the individual may have a suite in the same home as the provider.

If you are looking for a home share placement, speak to your CLBC facilitator or social worker for options.

To learn more about the role of a home share provider, or if you’re interested in becoming a home share provider, click here


Building Bridges provides families with a break by providing respite services in the community, at Building Bridges, or in  the family’s home.

Building Bridges also provides contracted respite which includes recruiting, screening, monitoring and paying of respite care givers.

See also Out and About for another respite alternative.

Skill Development

Building Bridges empowers people with diverse abilities to achieve their maximum potential through skills development. We work with the individuals, one to one, to develop person centred plans. These plans focus on the individual’s interests, resources, and goals. Depending on the unique needs of the individual, various skills can be worked on including:

  • daily living skills
  • communication and peer relations
  • self esteem, mental health and wellness
  • active living
  • hobbies and new interests and skills
  • problem solving
  • stress and crisis management
  • employment skills
  • academic skills

Building Bridges believes everyone can make a meaningful contribution to their community. To this end, we offer a variety of employment services including supported employment and self employment. Often, we work in collaboration with WorkLink BC. Services also include assisting individuals by:

  • networking with other community resources and potential employers
  • developing resumes; assisting with job searches; practicing interview etiquette and skills; and supporting individuals through the interview process
  • providing on-the-job training as needed
  • act as a liaison/advocate between the individual and the employer
  • promote work and social relationships

Building Bridges also offers:

  • Support coordination
  • Contracted services
  • Host Agency

For information about Adult Services, please contact Eirene at 250-661-5124.

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