Friends having fun

Connecting with others is important in maintaining a good quality of life, mental health and wellbeing. Also, connecting with friends is just fun! Our team works hard at creating opportunities for people to connect, whether it’s meeting up with another participant and their worker or getting together as a group. Here are a few ways we are encouraging people to get together.


Our social coordinator works diligently to find and share community events with our participants. People who are interested in attending can arrange to meetup at these events.

We also try to organize weekly activities, such as bowling, where participants and their workers can meet regularly. These happen at various locations, and different days and times during the week, depending on people’s interests.

Please contact us if you’re interested in being added to a mailing list to receive details when social events are happening. Please note, for confidentiality reasons, this list is only available to BBCS participants.


Building Bridges provides families with a break by providing respite services in the community, at Building Bridges, or in  the family home. Building Bridges also provides contracted respite which includes recruiting, screening, monitoring and paying of respite care givers.

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