“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”

— Angela Schwindt

Keeping our people safe during COVID-19 is a priority for us. Find out how we are keeping you safe. MORE

Social Activities

Friends having fun

NOTE ON COVID: During these times of physical distancing and other COVID restrictions, all in-person meetups and group activities have been put on hold. Instead, we are meeting remotely through Zoom and other social media platforms.

Connecting with others is important in maintaining a good quality of life, mental health and wellbeing. Also, connecting with friends is just fun! Our team works hard at creating opportunities for people to connect, whether it’s meeting up with another participant and their worker or getting together as a group. Here are a few ways we are encouraging people to get together:


Zoom Hangouts

Zoom Hangouts are a chance for our participants to socialize, share, and enjoy each others’ company in a COVID-safe way.

Learn more about our Zoom Hangouts here, and see the Zoom schedule here.

Morning Movement

Morning Movement usually occur Wednesdays, 10:00-10:30 am

These sessions are done through Zoom, and are opportunities to move your body, practice your balance, get your heart rate up, and have fun! These can be done inside or outside in your yard. Family and housemates welcome! Suitable for all ages, body types, skill levels, and mobility levels. This is a choose your own adventure activity. Please contact Eirene if you’re interested in participating in our Morning Movement sessions.

Click here to meet our facilitators and for more info on our Morning Movement.



PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID, Meetups are on hold. If you are interested in connecting with others in a safe way, please check out our weekly Zoom Hangout Sessions. When outdoor gatherings are permitted again, and as the weather improves, we hope to be able to start these up again.

Meetups are a fun and safe way for people to get together during these restrictive times. They are outdoor, physically distanced visits with friends, usually in local parks or on beaches. Meetups is what we have created as an alternative to Out and About during COVID. They can be either as a large group (limited to 5 participants, depending on what current health organizations allow for), or meeting up with another participant and their worker.

See our Meetup schedule here.

Out and About Respite

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current COVID circumstances, Out and About Respite has been put on hold. If you’re looking for ways to socialize with others, please visit our Zoom Hangout Sessions.

Out and About Respite is open to any adult with diverse abilities living in the Sooke, and Greater Victoria.

The goals of Out and About Respite are to provide opportunities to socialize with peers, get out and about the community, try new things, and most of all, to have FUN!  

Out and About happens twice per month on Saturdays, 10am – 5pm. Outings are planned by the participants which include going out for lunch and recreational activities such going to the museum, bowling, visiting local parks and beaches, etc.

Pick up and drop off is available for those who need it. Participants are responsible for covering their own costs. Respite can be paid either directly or through funding.

For upcoming trip dates and activities check out the Out and About Schedule.


Building Bridges provides families with a break by providing respite services in the community, at Building Bridges, or in  the family home.

Building Bridges also provides contracted respite which includes recruiting, screening, monitoring and paying of respite care givers.

See also Out and About for another respite alternative.

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