First Name and Last Initial of IndividualRhonda C
Individual's Date of BirthMay21/1963
Reporting PeriodApr 30, 2022-Apr 30 2023
Goal 1Encouraging Rhonda to work on her hygiene
Goals and Progress Towards GoalsList at least 3 goals you have been working on. Describe how you worked towards those goals and their progress towards achieving them.
Goal 2Getting out of her apartment and going for a walk/exercise
Progress Towards Goal 1

This has been a struggle as Rhonda will not accept help to have some one come in and give her regular baths and encourage her to wear her pull ups at all times..she will not always use the bathroom and instead soil her bed or couch. If she is reminded to wear her pull ups she sometimes gets angry or just says what you want to hear..she will have baths on her own but never consistantly. Because of her poor hygiene her support worker can not take her in vehicle to see a doctor/or other appts

Progress Towards Goal 2

Rhonda is mostly housebound for the most part.she spends most of her day watching videos with her partner..she sometimes visits a friend downstairs occasionally..she cannot walk very far because of her bad cardio and needs to get out more and try to build up her cardio..she will make excuses for not getting out..and if I offer to help her shesays she will think about it

Goal 3Encouraging Healthier Lifestyle
Progress Towards Goal 3

Rhonda is a heavy smoker and this affects her mobility as she struggles with her breathing..she is very sedentary..she does not drink alcohol but the smoking is taking a toll on her health..she does eat mostly healthy food..

Summary of Service Reporting Period

Not a lot of successes .just trying to maintain the is a work in progress.,Rhonda needs to accept the help and suggestions she is offered without taking it the wrong way..she can be very stubborn

Name of Person Completing the ReportMike Sheffield
Your RoleSupport Worker
Date of ReportApr 30/2023
Date CreatedApril 30, 2023
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