First Name and Last Initial of Individual | Rhonda C |
Individual's Date of Birth | May 21 1963 |
Reporting Period | Mar 4 2023-Mar4 2024 |
Goal 1 | Getting Rhonda more active physically and working on her hygiene issues |
Goals and Progress Towards Goals | List at least 3 goals you have been working on. Describe how you worked towards those goals and their progress towards achieving them. |
Goal 2 | Getting Rhonda out in the community more often |
Progress Towards Goal 1 | Rhonda and her partner were leading a pretty sedentary lifestyle preferring to stay in their apartment and watching TV and was a challenge to get her to have a bath regularly..and her hygiene suffered as a result..and limited activities to get out in the community. She has breathing problems due to smoking and being was a challenge for the Cleaner and I to keep the apt would detiorate quickly after 2 days,they had an inspection in the fall and were served with and eviction notice..they moved out in November to the Summit Care facility.Rhonda got her own room with bathroom and present her Hygiene has vastly staff give her a regular bathing and she can now get outside to smoke .and her laundry is done also .she seems to be happy there for the most part and i can get her outside now for regular walks in her wheelchair which she enjoys,we are planning on going to Beacon Hill Park soon to visit the petting zoo |
Progress Towards Goal 2 | When Rhonda was in her Apt she rarely got out that she is in the New Facility she has made friends there .and enjoys going to Quadra Village a block away to have pizza and looks forward to our activities together... |
Goal 3 | Improving Rhondas Health |
Progress Towards Goal 3 | Rhondas health was suffering as a result of heavy smoking and sedentary lifestyle in the apt..she is still smoking but not as much .now that they are outside to smoke the environment is much less toxic than it was in the apt...i am hoping we can do some short walks together to help improve her cardio... |
Summary of Service Reporting Period | |
Highlights | Getting Rhonda out of the Apt and into a facility has vastly changed her life.she now gets the care and support she needs. She seems happier and socializes with the staff and friends she has made..I can now get the out in the community more now that her hygiene has has improved. She seems happier and more engaged.and does not watch TV all Day..she is happy that her partner lives on the same floor.. |
Additional Comments/Recommendations | Going forward I hope to get Rhonda out more and and doing more activities that she enjoys.. |
Name of Person Completing the Report | Mike Sheffield |
Your Role | Support Worker |
Date of Report | April 23/2024 |
Date Created | April 26, 2024 |
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