First Name and Last Initial of IndividualJordan Emmett
Reporting PeriodMay 26, 2024
Goal 1Housing
Goals and Progress Towards GoalsList at least 3 goals you have been working on. Describe how you worked towards those goals and their progress towards achieving them.
Goal 2Keeping or staying off of drugs
Progress Towards Goal 1

Jordan has been homeless for a couple of years now. He has been housed a few times since he lost his market housing in January 2019. Since then he was housed in supported housing 6 times and was evicted every time. When he is jailed he wants to be housed to stop the pattern of getting out of jail and then to the streets (I do set him up with shelters every time but he refuses to stay or leaves shortly after) then back to jail. While he was incarcerated between me and his PO he has gotten a Support Housing Application done and I have but his name forward for housing upon his release. Even though is is banned from most housing sites I am hoping that time will heal all wounds and the housing sites will reconsider Jordan for housing.

Progress Towards Goal 2

Jordan has congenital heart disease. When is uses street drugs and not taking his medication as directed it weakens his heart and could cause death. He has been hospitalized several times over the years since his was diagnosed.

Goal 3Less crime
Progress Towards Goal 3

Jordan likes to think he is the best gangster in Victoria. He relishes in the idea that his peers are talking about him and his criminal activities.  Jordan with do a crime  just to be a part of something and impress his peers but is usually lands in with new charges and ever jail and the peers walks away without any repercussions as Jordan will not rat them out.

Summary of Service Reporting Period

Jordan just want to fit in somewhere and since he has been on the streets and doing street drugs he feels he is apart of something. He gets involved with incidents that don't even involve him just to look good to the drug dealers or heavies on the streets. This behaviour has landed Jordan in jail a few time and if he just minded his own business he could of avoided jail time. Even though he does this he is not respected by his peers.

Additional Comments/Recommendations

I am hoping Jordan will connect more with me when he is released and I can monitor his meds as well. He is well liked by the 3rd Party office even though is was barred from there. I am also hoping I can get him housed directly from jail.

Name of Person Completing the ReportJohn Urh
Your RoleOutreach worker
Date of ReportMay 26, 2024
Date CreatedMay 26, 2024
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