First Name and Last Initial of IndividualTommy L
ContractCommunity Inclusion
Reporting PeriodApril 2023 - May 2024
Goal 1physical fitness
Goals and Progress Towards GoalsList at least 3 goals you have been working on. Describe how you worked towards those goals and their progress towards achieving them.
Goal 2artistic skill
Progress Towards Goal 1

Tommy places much importance on being physically healthy. He likes to golf, hike, and interact with nature. This year, Tommy decided that he wanted to explore more parks, etc that were new to him. We also brought our golf clubs to Blenkinsop golf driving range and hit buckets of balls. We walked up to Mt Doug summit from top of mountain parking lot, as well as to Mt Doug beach. Other places we walked this year were the Gorge walkway, Goldstream Campground loop, Langford Lake, Esquimalt Lagoon (fed pigeons and walked the beach several times), walked Goldstream Park trail to Nature house, Cattle point, Agate park beach, Ten Mile Point and Willows beach. We brought lunch to the Oak bay marina picnic table and then walked Ross Bay. We also walked Gyro Park beach, Royal beach park, Beaver lake park, Coles Bay Regional park, John Dean Park, Lochside waterfront park, Rithets Bog, Bear Mtn Finlayson trail, Thetis lake trail, Clover point, Fisherman's wharf, the Breakwater, Swan lake trail and nature house, Oak Bay marina docks to look at boats, Brentwood bay, and Island View beach. Aug 1/23 we took our golf clubs to the Highland Pacific driving range, and hit balls. Tommy is gaining confidence with this driving skill. We also bought Subway lunch and ate it at the top of Mt Tolmie. Although we walked quite a bit last year, Tommy chose to walk even more this year and explore more locations while doing so.

Tommy owns a treadmill, which he uses in his basement. He enjoys walking and running on it 2-3 times per week. It broke down in February and was out of commission for almost 2 weeks. He was very happy when a repairman came to their home and fixed it.

Progress Towards Goal 2

Tommy enjoys drawing, and during rainy fall and winter weather, we went to every library in the Victoria area to draw a nice view we saw from a window. Tommy especially enjoyed drawing a view from the Nellie McClung library. His drawing style (block style rather than more detail oriented) looks more refined than his drawings from last year. Tommy talked about being open to thinking about taking a drawing course in the future. As with most new ideas for Tommy, he needs weeks of time to process his thoughts about making a choice. He speaks his boundary about taking the time he needs, and shows confidence in how he shares this healthy boundary setting.

Goal 3grocery and clothing shopping skills
Progress Towards Goal 3

This year, Tommy demonstrated more trust by initiating grocery shopping with me. During our first grocery shopping trip, Tommy picked items, purchased them and was ready to leave quickly. We were in and out of Walmart within 15 min. Over a periods of months, Tommy relaxed enough to talk about his food choices and how they meet his health conscious goals. Now we shop more leisurely for Tommy's frozen and dry goods at Walmart every second Tuesday. His Father buys most of the household groceries, and Tommy buys extra items of his choosing. While shopping, we talk about saving money with sale items, and about what ingredients comprise a healthy choice.

Tommy also likes to purchase sports jerseys and hats from Out of Bounds in Westshore Mall, and from online shopping sites. Tommy now owns all of the NHL teams hockey jerseys and hats. His favorite NHL team is Winnipeg Jets. We also shop/peruse at Hillside mall and Mayfair mall. Tommy has learned thriftiness and he waited until a Christmas sale to purchase his new Xbox at Gamestop. He also shared his understanding about how this large purchase meant that he couldn't buy any hockey jerseys for three months.

Summary of Service Reporting Period

Oct.10/23 I took Tommy to his dental appointment at Times Dental Clinic. This was another step forward in his trust. His sister, Lisa, has been his primary caregiver and he trusts her implicitly. For Tommy to move out of the exercise goal realm and let me drive him to appointments was a big step for Tommy. Next, Tommy introduced me to his girlfriend PJ. We occasionally visit her at Roads Program, and the two of them sing karaoke together in front of the other participants.

April 4, 2023 we attended Interurban Camosun College and talked with Academic Advisor re: math courses. She provided Tommy with an online assessment link for him to self-test before scheduling an Assessment appointment. Tommy is not ready to move forward with this yet.

May 30/23 Tommy talked with me about a job interview. It involves envelope filling at a govt office at VI Tech centre. He attended the interview and was hired. He began his new job July 19/23, and now works Wed and Fridays.

Tommy loves to feed pigeons. After we finish feeding them, they make a throaty happy sound. Tommy loves to take time to listen to this sound. Beacon Hill petting zoo is one of Tommy's favorite places to go to, and this spring he shared excitement about being able to see the new baby goats. The pigs are his favorite animals at BH petting zoo. While watching (but not touching them), Tommy had a big smile on his face.

Tommy began a sports pool online, and enjoys sharing the statistic information with the pool members. He invited friends and previous professionals in his life to participate. The sports Tommy has included in the pool are NHL, NFL, CFL, MLB, NASCAR, and basketball.

During the cold, wet days of fall and winter, Tommy chose to go to Hillside mall Tim Hortons for hot chocolate and walk the mall. He also enjoys seeing the Bay Centre Christmas trees, and the gingerbread houses at Hotel Grand Pacific.

Name of Person Completing the ReportShaun Devore
Your RoleCommunity Support Worker
Date of ReportMay 31, 2024
Date CreatedMay 31, 2024
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