Application Date09/22/2023
Primary Applicant
NameRosanne Day
Birth Date08/28/1955
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Secondary Applicant (Secondary Caregiver)
Tell us why you want to become a Home Share Provider
What do you know about being a home share provider for an adult with diverse abilities?

I come from a large family. Lived in other people's home as a nanny and am still in touch with the families. I had a number of billets over the past 7 years. I am still in touch with them and their families have become friends. I have found that I do not like living alone. I grew up with a brother with diverse abilities. I provided respite care for an autistic child years ago. I had a foster child with challenges. I am a decent caring person who tries to live a life of being kind and helpful.

Why are you considering becoming a home share provider at this time?

I do not like living alone. A woman I met while out volunteering handed me a card about Building Bridges and said it may be something for me. I have been reading about it but there is a lot to read. Then a few days ago a neighbor, Charlene, was evicted by her brother and I have know her for 30 years. She may have trouble finding a place to fit in. I told the people helping her to look into Building Bridges from the little that I had read.

Will others be impacted by this decision (children, partner, others living in the home, etc.)? If so, have they been consulted and are they supportive of the choice?

I live alone with 2 cats. It wouldn't matter who came into my house the cats will have them trained as loyal servants before the sun sets.

Tell us about yourself and those who live within the home
Would you be comfortable supporting someone with complex needs? Please check the items you would be willing to support:
  • Blind, deaf
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Medication compliance
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