



March 1 picked up groceries Mar 3 did laundry..Mar5 went over to do check on apt washed dishes..took out garbage..Mar8 did laundry..Mar10 ordered more pull ups..took out garbage.washed dishes.Mar 14.did laundry..Mar16.did a bit of clean up in apt.Talked on phone with Rhondas doctor about adding gloves and wipes to her pull ups order.Fri took over consent form for Rhonda to sign..Mar18 took over cleaning supplies washed dishes Mar21did laundryMar24did laundryMar 28did laundry.took bag of empty bottles to recycle washed dishes..Mar31Laundry done

1 Encouraging Rhonda to maintain her personal hygiene...2 Getting out more for walks  and into the community 3 Being more health aware re lifestyle choices re her health

Mike Sheffield

Rhonda leads a very sedentary lifestyle..she rarely leave the apartment except to visit a friend downstairs occasionally..I cant take her in my vehicle because of her personal hygiene-she will not  accept help with bathing and personal hygiene. I got her some bubble bath and she does bath herself ..her daily activity is watching movies from the video collection they have..she depends on her partner to cook meals..and assist her..they are heavy smokers and the environment can be very   toxic at times....they are both almost 60 years old..her partners health is not good.and he cant do dishes I have to go over every other day to make sure the dishes dont pile up etc..Goals are to encourage Rhonda to try and get out more ..lead a healthier lifestyle ..accept help when it is offered..

I think it might prudent to have a back up plan for Rhonda in case her partner is not able to help her or becomes incapacitated .he was told he might have suffered a small stroke awhile ago and has an appt at the Hospital next week .

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