Client:Danica J.



Danica J.

May 1st- Danica loves reading. She told me that she would love to work at the library & that she asked if they were hiring quite some time ago. While we were there, I encouraged her to ask again. She did but, they were not at the time. She was told to go online & keep checking.

May 2nd- We went for a few kms walk on the Galloping Goose. I printed off a calendar for Danica to keep track of her eating habits for the next few weeks. She liked the idea of keeping track of her healthy eating & “cheat days”.

When filling out the “All About Me” form, Danica was very honest about her feelings, her friends & goals she had for herself. She did not rush it & answered everything w/a lot of thought.

May 7th- We had another walk around the lake while D talked about her cousin who was visiting from Quebec. She discussed her doing a lot of walking & the food choices she made while eating out.

May 8th- Bowling w/R.A.. Danica is not competitive but, does smile when she is told how many spares & strikes she gets.

May 14th- Whiffen Spit walk. D goes all the way to the end & back.

May 22rd- Another long walk on the spit. D is competitive at cards. We play a game called Dooble which is very fast paced. She is so quick to spot the right picture & play her card that I can’t get in to play at all.
May 27th- Went to the Galloping Goose for a long walk. Danica talked about renewing a friendship w/a coworker who had a baby. She is excited to see her & spend time together. This friend picked her up & brought a treat to share. Usually it is Danica doing that w/the other friends she spends time with.

1. Continue to maintain healthy eating & activities.

2. Keep talking about what friendships are healthy & reciprocal.

3. Possibly getting another job.

Christine M

Although Danica was told before that the library wasn’t hiring, she asked again. She knows that she wants more work hours than she is getting & is willing to try something new & interesting to her.

Talking about certain friends not treating her respectfully or fairly, has Danica opening herself up to rekindling other friendships.

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