Client:Savneet G



Savneet G

  1. Being Social
  2. Being active
  3. Communicating needs effectively

Breony Ayers


May1st- we continued filling in yearly summary report today. SG did well with this. It was nice to see her positive and reflect on her growth over the past year. We went to imax after for an outing. 


May6th- cancelled


May8th- out for a nice lunch and chat. Savneeet is talking more and more about activities and social plans. She is still going to the toy fair this month. We are planning on inviting some friends for mini golf soon. Then ran some errands and had a walk by the ocean. 


May 10th- we went to have lunch and chat. Then for a long walk on the beach. Savneet tackled a fear of waking on hills and with support did this successfully. Then off the Wal-Mart to get some groceries. We had nice chats today. 


May 13- we headed for lunch and a chat. We talked about a friend's birthday and got a gift. Then we headed to the mall and the dollar store. We also went for a walk in a new park. 


May 27th- We went to Mayfair today to get some new books and also ordered a new game. Then we had lunch. Savneet shared about the toy fair and met up with AW and C there. Was a busy and social day. Got some good deals. Savneet felt proud of finding good deals! Then we problem solved book storage. Then to wal mart for some essentials. 


May 29th- we went to the museum today and saw the photographs of national geographic. Then we had lunch. Savneet talked to Colton about friendship and expectations about meetups and communication. Then to the imax after lunch.

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