Client:Makayla T.



Makayla T.

May 1st - walked the dog & discussed having a place of her own. What that would look like, how that would affect her family ( M. cooks dinner, does laundry, takes care of her younger brother when parents are away).                                                        M. cleaned the office today as well as doing a workout @ the gym.

May 6th - Gym, walked her dog, got groceries for M. to make dinner. She is a good planner & knows what works to feed the family. Makayla considers her brothers limited tastes, her Mom’s sore tooth & other thoughtful considerations towards her meal planning.

May 7th - gym, hot tub

May 8th - Walked her dog, went for a full workout then got dropped off out at B & B for a cleaning job.

May 14th - walked dog, went to gym, office cleaning & grocery store for dinner items.

May 15th - dog walk, waited for cheque at band office, visited w/support staff & band nurse while waiting. Makayla is comfortable talking to the band support staff, joking & talking about family. Makayla’s Grandmother was the Chief. She talks about her a lot & how she misses her.  Worked out at the gym & did B & B cleaning.

May 21st - picked up at Grandpa’s in Victoria. Went to Mayfair window shopping, talked about her grad dresses, M. bought her lunch. We went to Juan De Fuca gym had a great work out, hot tub & sauna. It was a good catch up on some hours time as well as “girl time”. M. does a lot for her family, helped Grandpa get groceries, clean etc.
May 27th - fog walk, gym

May 28th - dog walk & chat, cleaned office, worked on resume, gym.   Makayla is nervous about putting applications into jobs because she is worried how she will do on her interview. She is still determined to get past her fear & follow through w/job applications.

1. Follow through w/seeking a new job.

2. Continue to stay on task w/health & fitness regime.

3. Set future goals & have conversations around more independence. E.g. more consistent work, applying for housing etc.

Christine M

Even though Makayla is anxious about having to do job interviews, she is determined to update her resume & start looking into new work possibilities.

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