Client:James H



James H

  1. Work with James to finalize work and living plans
  2. Participate in James' college completion ceremonies and assist him in ensuring all of his projects are submitted and that his accommodations have been properly applied.
  3. Prepare for and successfully complete James' first solo job interview.

Denver Hutchinson

This was a big month for James as he finished off his fine woodworking program at Camosun, determined where he would be moving in August, and had his first formal job interview followed by a number of email/phone conversations with other companies in Victoria and Penticton.  My work with James this month primarily involved life coaching: helping him craft cover letter emails; prepping him for his job interview and preparing him for potential discussion points; debriefing his job interview and helping him navigate whether or not to accept the job (he was advised by his college instructor that the company was not a good fit for him and thus we decided not to further pursue the position, however, James agreed that sitting through the interview was a needed and valuable experience); discussing the realities of his living situation and giving my recommendations for what options were best for him to pursue which he took his own time to consider and independently come to a decision about how he wanted to move forward (he ended up choosing what I felt was the best option given his circumstances and will be moving back to Penticton to live with family friends who have supported him and his needs in the past).  I've also spent significant time this week helping James prepare for our eventual move, and cleaning his portions of the house for a property showing as he has been quite busy with end of term assignments.

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