Client:Tyler L



Tyler L

June 4, 11, 18, 25:  coffee shop, chatting, poker

Get out of the house and socialize

ecome more comfortable with being out in the public

Become more comfortable with in-person interactions


Tyler has been doing pretty well lately.  Once we adjusted our game to be more intense he is a lot more sociable.  Generally he doesn't seem to be doing much with his days but he seems content enough not doing it.  He's still upset that his younger brother basically excommunicated himself from his family and has been hanging out with unsavoury people.  I tried to assure him that a capricious nature and family disillusionment is not uncommon for teen years and that he shouldn't take it too seriously.  All he can do is let his brother know he's there if he wants to talk... and then wait.  Hard to do but about all he can do at this point.  I think though that it makes Tyler uncomfortable and he'd rather not think about it.  Other than that though not much news to tell, which is fine enough.

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