



June 2..Took over cigarettes and got Rhonda a meal at Mcdonalds which she asked for..June 3Had a visit with Rhonda.sat outside in courtyard..June 5th Rhonda had an appt with her lung,breathing  doctor so picked her up in my car..we will go back in 6 months.her breathing seems to have stabilized.she is not smoking as much as she used her budget for cigarettes has been cut back..June 7..Visit with Rhonda.she he is frustrated by her partner.does not feel supported by him..they have an on/off relationship..June 9th.Visit with Rhonda for an hour..June 13th took over some Pop and chips /cigarettes June 15th..I get Rhonda her cigarettes every week 4 packs which has to last a week.I hold back some as she will smoke them all in 2 days or so and have nothing left..June18th..Rhonda had asked for a transistor radio to listen to her I found one at London Drugs which was not expensive..she was very very happy about that..June 20th Short visit .Rhonda doing OK..June 24th..Ordered more pull ups for Rhonda..her social worker asked if  I could get more shirts and pants for Rhonda ..and then I will submit receipts  for payment..went to Walmart and picked some items up.June 28th.took over more cigarettes and had a visit..

  1. To provide support for Rhonda 2. To get out and try new things

Mike Sheffield

Rhonda has much improved since moving to The Summit.she has an on/off relationship with her partner..I am trying to get her out more .we have talked about going to the Petting zoo at Beacon Hill Park.when we make plans to go and I come to take her she changes her mind so something we will have to keep working on..she has to be careful as she can be taken advantage of by other people who say they are her friend and use her to get cigarettes,so I am constantly reminding her about this..

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