Client:Anthony W



Anthony W

All goals are continued from May as works in progress.

Breony Ayers


June 3rd, 2024: We headed out for a walk around Layritz Park and checked Out to see when baseball would be starting again we talked about planning on watching a game. Anthony was telling me about playing baseball as a kid. Then, for a drive around Prospect Lake. Stopped at the store on the way back.


June 5th, 2024- we went for a late lunch and swimming today. Got some good exercise in and some laughs. AW is going to work on getting to bed earlier so that he can find success with a day program.


June 10th- Staff away


June 12– AW and I went swimming today. We also emailed the facilitator from CLBC. And let them know that he would like to request more funding. We hope to hear back soon. We also discussed the idea of contacting his doctor and having them write a letter to advocate for more funding. we are planning on going to the beach on Wednesday. AW was in a good headspace today. Making lots of jokes got some good exercise at the pool. Also, on July 4 a writer and I discussed the confusion around the facilitator. Nikki emailed me with Amber‘s contact information.


June 14—We talked today because Anthony was having a hard time communicating with CLBC. Anthony is processing and just needed to vent his emotions. 


June 17th—We went to grab lunch and chat about what’s going on with CLBC and day program options. AW is upset that he isn’t able to get the funding right away. I suggested that we talk with his doctor and ask them to write a letter of support explaining why it is important to have more community engagement to support AW’s mental health. 


June 19th- had an active day. Went swimming. AW has processed that we will do our best to give him more community access. We had some laughs. It was good to see some smiles today.

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