Client:Anthony W



Anthony W

  1. Being Social
  2. Being Active
  3.  communication with the people in his life. Using the right word to express his emotions.

Breony Ayers


July 3- Swimming today. Anthony was laughing and enjoying himself. Anthony always has a positive attitude after swimming and doing activities in general. 


July 8—We did some errands today. Anthony had to break his door because the lock was stuck. So he was telling me about the process of getting a new door. I offered support where I could. 


July 10—We walked today and checked out a couple of farms. We went for a drive. It was a day of light conversation and listening to music. Anthony showed that he was relaxed by putting on music in the car. He showed me some new songs he is into. 


July 12- Expressed feeling frustrated with the communication in his life today. I talked with Anthony about tools like meditation and breathing that have been used to reduce stress and help me cope. He said he would consider it. I showed him a couple of apps that can support this idea. Anthony was open-minded about this. 


July 15th- We went swimming today. Not much chatting just got some good exercise and burned off some steam. Relaxed body language at the end of our visit.


July 17- Did some errands today. Enjoyed a drive and a walk. Anthony has not downloaded the apps I suggested. I reminded him that it could be helpful and to consider it next time he is frustrated and or trying to process something difficult.


July 19- Swimming today. A couple of errands as well. Anthony felt low-stress today. Anthony was joking around quite a bit and showing me videos of funny people online. 


July 22- staff away


July 24- went swimming. Again, it is so clear to me that when Anthony exercises, he always feels better. I reinforced this. We are planning for some more group time soon. Dr on Monday


July 29- Staff home

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