Client:Robyn A.



Robyn A.

July 10th - Took a walk around Poirier lake. Robyn brought her walking stick w/her for balance support.

July 18th - I took Robyn to Work BC yo have her read through local job postings. She wasn’t interested in looking into the Harbour House positions for housekeeping etc.

July 24th - Went to Whiffen Spit for a walk. Robyn has been going a little further each walk we have.

July 25th - Robyn worked on her math & reading skills. She still chooses grade one level work. I have set a goal for grade two work by September.

We worked st the Food Bank Thursday mornings & alternated Namaste & Riding on Fridays.

Practise looking for new work positions.

Keep up w/outdoor leisure & exercise.

Continue to work on XL & move up a grade.

Christine M.

Robyn is working hard on progressing her length of walks we take w/aid of her stick now.

She enjoys working on her math & reading skills & has agreed to a gradual progression of grade levels.

We had an interesting afternoon at the library looking up her grandparents via their names. It was successful in finding both maternal & paternal grandparents.

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