Client:Danica J.



Danica J.

July 2nd - Danica & I went to East Sooke Park for a trail hike & snack on the beach. The meadows were full of flowers, it was so beautiful. Danica did really good walking around some rooted paths. We sat in the shade, chatted & snacked.

July 3rd - We walked around Poirier Lake.    Danica took her resume in to the SFRS thrift store. She loves going in there & finding books. She told the manager that she would even take a volunteer position to start. She showed confidence & expressed her wanting to get a start in any work capacity.

July 11th - Had a walk at Poirier lake. When we sat to play cards a bear cub was spotted. Danica showed a calm manner, packed her things quickly, left slow & careful.

July 15th - During our walk today Danica spoke about her first “episode” of depression & hospitalization. She mentioned going in 3 times before getting a full diagnosis.

July 19th - Danica asked to go to the gym today. She used the treadmill for almost 20 minutes. I helped her w/setting her pace/speed & the inclining setting. She did well. We also worked on some weight machines as well.

July 25th - Danica & I walked down to the river & visited the great “Grandmother” cedar tree. It is a beautiful spot.   We went to the night market where Danica had a good social evening running into people she knows, having dinner from a vendor & buying a sweatshirt designed by another vendor. It was fun.

July 29th - We went to the Sooke Fine Arts Show.  Due to only having 2 hours together, we did not finish it all. Danica picked her favourite piece (a painting of 2 wild horses) & put her ballad in for a vote. We had interesting talks about people’s views & tastes in art.

Continue working on healthy choices. E.g. eating, exercising

Work on building confidence & speaking up for herself.

Look into other jobs that suit her nature & abilities.

Christine M.

Danica has worked so hard on creating as normal a life as possible for herself. Reading/ going to the library, going to exercise classes, walking lot’s, and seeking a different job than she’s use to.

She is working on her weight through food choice changes & getting more active.

There were no “visions” when we were together this month.

Danica was nervous about giving her resume to the thrift store. She showed determination & confidence when she spoke to the manager by herself.

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