Client:Colton M



Colton M


2: Movie, mall

3: Arcade downtown

5: movie downtown

9: movie, mall

12: movie, mall



  1. Get out into the community
  2. socialize with friends
  3. Exercise more


Colton did pretty well this month, from what he told me.  He enjoys going to the gym with his sister, and he also works with his dad a little bit.  I have not heard anything negative about his work, so I assume that is going well, also.  I think the most noteworthy thing that happened is that there were a couple of times when he was not reliable when meeting up with Savneet, and that's been a recurring issue. On the last time she basically got fed up and told Breony that she didn't want to hang out with Colton anymore.  This is something that Breony and I decided to let the dust settle on before bringing up with Colton, and in fact, it's probably better to encourage Savneet to bring it up with him directly.  She has told him about how she feels about him being unreliable, so if and when they do have that conversation, I imagine that it will be enough of a wakeup call that he improves his behaviour.  It's hard to say to be honest. Colton is very evasive when he struggles with things, he will just shut down and ignore or not engage, and this doesn't particularly help the situation either.  It's difficult for me to know how to address the situation when something like this happens.  If it's even my business to interject on the situation I tend to just shoot straight, like hey, this is what's going on, this is the situation.  This is what's likely to improve it, and let me know if I can help you achieve that.  I think that's pretty much all I can do.  I don't think this will be the end of the road for Colton and Savneet, I think she'll just take a bit of time off.  But who knows?



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