Client:Josh B



Josh B


4: dishes, recycling, call of duty

18: dishes, grocery shopping, minecraft

Get out of the house and be more active (was kind of on hold for a bit with me)

work on social interactions,

focus on doing more household chores


Josh is doing pretty well, as far as things go.  He doesn't have a lot going on right now, and I suspect he may be depressed based on how much he sleeps, but it's difficult to tell with him, because unless he's talking about something he's interested in, he's very terse and has a flat affect.  When asked if he thinks he's depressed he says he doesn't know but his descriptions make me think maybe so.  It's kind of a situation, though, where sometimes depression is a reasonable response to life (ie, it's not always maladaptive) Like, he doesn't have a job, he doesn't go to school, and so he spends most of his time puttering around, playing games, staying up late, sleeping in late, and more or less basking in lethargy and apathy.  In a situation like this, depression is the reasonable result to a lack of proper structure and stimuli  (I should know, I did that from about 19-29.)  I'm not altogether sure what to do about it, because at the moment Josh does not really have any aspirations.  I've identified what he would want to do in an ideal world, but unfortunately, last time he tried camosun he had a bit of a meltdown and has not felt courageous or motivated enough to try again.  This is a bit of a self-perpetuating situation.  He has very little social interaction or practical life experience, and therefore when he gets into a situation where social skills and life skills are really crucial for success, Josh implodes, and that nukes his sense of hope for the future, etc etc....  I feel bad for him but I don't know how to motivate him to step out of that cycle.  I know it took me till I was at least 30 to snap out of the same cycle he is in, as I also languished on PWD with no real life goals for horrifically long.  I think the difference was that I was always out engaging with society which allowed me to develop intrinsic motivation.  Josh is not engaging with society so he has no motivation.  I would like to sit down and talk with sandell about this, when I can.

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