Client:Shirley T



Shirley T

Aug 6 - Shirley was feeling chilled today so she wanted to stay more indoors. We went to Uptown to walk around there and then to Mayfair. Shirley had high energy today.


Aug 7 - We went Bowling today. Shirley had her best score yet (115!). Then we went to Westshore for lunch. Shirley was very energetic today, and in high spirits. 


Aug 8 - Shirley wanted to go to Francis/King Park for a walk. When we were done there, we went to Beaver lake for another walk, because Shirley was really enjoying being outside. She was very energetic and talkative today.


Aug 12 - It was overcast today and Shirley was feeling cold, having a hard time warming up so she wanted to stay indoors. We went to the Bay Centre then to Mayfair to walk around. Shirley was a bit low energy today, due to feeling cold, but overall in good spirits.


Aug 13 - We went to see an Art Exhibit at Cedar Hill Rec Centre. Then to the Salvation Army thrift store where Shirley found a warm jacket. Then Hillside mall for a walk. Shirley was very energetic today, very happy about the jacket she found!


Aug 14 - We spent the day at Butchart Gardens. Shirley said she felt a bit cold today despite the sun shining, but she had good energy and enjoyed being at the gardens today. 


Aug 15 - We went for a walk at Durrance Lake, which is a new spot for Shirley. Then to Beaver lake for a picnic lunch, and some more walking. Shirley really enjoyed Durrance Lake, and was very talkative and energetic today.


Aug 19 - It was running this morning so we went to Mayfair mall for a bit, then Hillside for lunch. The rain stopped so we went to Beacon Hill Park, had ice cream, then we enjoyed some live music in Beacon Hill Park. Shirley was low energy today, not overly talkative.


Aug 20 - We went to see a movie at Silvercity (“It Ends with Us”), but we had time before it started so we went for a walk behind Tillicum Mall, since there are some nice walking paths there. Shirley was quiet today, but enjoyed the walk and the movie.


Aug 21 - Shirley wanted to go get her feet done today, so we went to Mayfair for her pedicure. Then we had lunch and walked around for a bit. Shirley had good energy today.


Aug 22 - We went to another new-to-Shirley spot today, Saxe Point. Then we went to Hillside mall. Shirley really enjoyed exploring Saxe Point and had good energy today.


  1. Continued Health and Wellness
  2. Get together with Kim (sister) at least once a month
  3. Spend more time outside

Courtney Horneland

Overall Shirley was very energetic most days. We were able to explore a couple of new spots that Shirley really enjoyed. There are some new spots around Esquimalt we will check out next month. We were unable to connect with Kim this month but we will make sure to do so next month. 


Last month I had noted that Shirley was consistently having a difficult time locking her door as we leave in the morning. I was thinking it may have something to do with the fact she was away for a month so was a bit out of practice and I think this may have been the case since she has been doing a lot better with this. There is the occasional day that she struggles but is able to get it after a couple tries with minimal or no help from me (which is how it was prior to her going to Sidney)

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