Client:Natalia L-S



Natalia L-S

August 7 -Aviation Museum

August 14-Aviation Museum

August 18 - Aviation Museum Open House

August 21 - Aviation Museum

August 28 - Aviation Museum

August 30 - Motor Vehicle - BC Service + Mayfair + Hillside + Tuf Turf

  1. Be able to work more independently at the Aviation Museum
  2. Be able to text to Mom + Susanne
  3. Be able to do Life Skills with money handling, practice learning how to count change when going to a restaurant or shopping and paying cash to make sure she receives the correct change back.

Susanne Harnden

August 7 -Aviation Museum -Susanne arrived at NLS's place. NLS opened the door and let Susanne in, we all waited for Handy Dart to arrive to pick both of us to go to Aviation Museum -   the driver arrived and NLS showed her cell phone to asked how many pick up and drop off, the driver said one pick up and one drop off then we are next, arrived at Aviation Museum, all staffs waved at NLS and she went to get her cart for cleaning, did her own job task -  when she finished her job and we both went outside and wait for Handy Dart to arrived and NLS got her cell phone ready and showed to the driver how many pick up and drop off and the driver said zero we are on way to NLS's place, NLS had two thumbs up.  We arrived and we sat down to talk with Mom (Maria) to follow up.  Maria informed Susanne she is concerned about NLS's future about moving in with home shared, as NLS was freaking out other day, Susanne was not there, as she had a meeting with Jolene (Provincial Deaf and Hard of Hearing) Community Resource Consultant  and Teresa (Family Support Institute) meeting that Susanne could not attend and NLS was upset about "home share" as Maria explained "future" not now, so we have to do baby set with NLS to explain few times so she is aware what will happen (later).   Susanne and NLS review for PCP for NLS's goal.

August 14-Aviation Museum-Susanne arrived at NLS's place. NLS opened the door and let Susanne in, we all waited for Handy Dart to arrive to pick both of us to go to Aviation Museum -  We both had a conversation while we were waiting for the Handy Dart bus to arrive,  the driver arrived and NLS showed her cell phone to asked how many pick up and drop off, the driver said no zero, we are on way to AM, then  arrived at Aviation Museum, all staffs waved at NLS and she went to get her cart for cleaning, did her own job task -  when she finished her job and we both went outside and wait for Handy Dart to arrived and NLS got her cell phone ready and showed to the driver how many pick up and drop off and the driver said zero we are on way to NLS's place.  Susanne encourage NLS to text her mom to let her know that we are on Handy Dart and on way home, NLS said okay, send a text to her mom.  We arrived at NLS's place. We discuss about August 18th open house at Aviation Museum as NLS wanted to go, Susanne will come pick up and drive her to Sidney and will have lunch out there.  NLS was excited.

August 18 - Aviation Museum Open House - Susanne came to NLS's place and picked up NLS.  Maria told Susanne that NLS keep checking the door waiting for Susanne to arrive, back and forth, she was really exciting about going out.  Susanne took NLS and drove out to Sidney, lots of people and NLS gave donation to Aviation Museum.  There were lots of people, we took our time to walk whole area.  We stopped at food truck, had lunch.  We continue to walk more.   Susanne drove NLS back home, went in and follow up with Mom about what happening etc.   NLS told Susanne to see you on Wednesday, Susanne said yes.  NLS had a good day.

August 21 - Aviation Museum-Susanne arrived at NLS's place. NLS opened the door and let Susanne in, we all waited for Handy Dart to arrive to pick both of us to go to Aviation Museum -  We both had a conversation while we were waiting for the Handy Dart bus to arrive,  Mom (Maria) informed NLS and Susanne that supervisor Gordon is sick with COVID and will not be able to see NLS when she arrives, then the driver arrived and NLS showed her cell phone to asked how many pick up and drop off, the driver said one pick up and drop off then we are next.  When we arrived at AM - NLS could not access to the office to get her cart to start cleaning, Susanne showed her "role model" if the door is locked and go look for other staff, ask Staff to let you in and get cart - so we found staff and explain NLS what to do, then she said okay, got her cleaning cart - start to do her task.  NLS was done and put her cart away,  we both went outside wait for HD to arrived and the driver came and NLS showed her cell phone about how many pick up and drop off, the driver said zero, we are on way.  Susanne encourage NLS to text her mom and let her know that we are on HD bus and on way home.  Maria wanted to asked Susanne about NLS's work Tuf Turf will have a dinner and fun bowling as NLS really wants to go in September 12 and Susanne said yes,  Maria will confirmed soon.

August 28 - Aviation Museum -Susanne arrived at NLS's place. NLS opened the door and let Susanne in, we all waited for Handy Dart to arrive to pick both of us to go to Aviation Museum -  We both had a conversation while we were waiting for the Handy Dart bus to arrive,  Mom (Maria) informed NLS and Susanne that supervisor Gordon is sick still not better with COVID and will not be able to see NLS when she arrives,  HD bus arrived and NLS showed her cell phone to ask how many pick up and drop off the driver said  zero, we are on way to AM and when we arrived all staffs waved at NLS and she went into the office and got her cleaning cart to start her task. NLS was done with her task and we went outside and wait for HD driver to arrived and NLS showed her cell phone to the driver and he said zero, so we are on way home.   Susanne encourage NLS to text her mom to let her know that we are on the bus, but NLS said yes, but she did not send text to her mom, as Maria informed Susanne.  When we arrived at NLS's place we sat down and follow up with her Mom about her work, and we discuss about on Friday that NLS need to renew her BC service card - we can go to the mall, have lunch etc,  and we did discuss there will be Deaf Event at UVIC on Sept 26 about Halifax Deaf school (bomb) true story, NLS said yes we can go, Susanne registered our names to save our seat.

August 30 - Motor Vehicle - BC Service + Mayfair + Hillside + Tuf Turf  - Susanne arrived at NLS's place, NLS opened door with big smile, as Maria informed Susanne that NLS was checking the door waiting for Susanne to arrived, back and forth, she was excited to go out.  We arrived at Motor Vehicle (McKenzie) lots of people, Susanne was doing role model to NLS what to do,  we stand long line up and we saw an agent, NLS showed her cell phone that she said she has an appointment and need to do renew for her BC Service and her MSP etc., Agent said yes, and wrote the number so we have to watch "flashing" numbers and where to go so we had to wait long time, then Susanne saw the number and showed to NLS see the number flashing, that is you and we go to number 3 so NLS look up and I show her see where number 3, point so she went to that area and paid her BC service cost $15.00 and Susanne explained to NLS and she took cash out and gave $15.00 gave to an agent and got picture done, and will be send in mail for few weeks.

We went to Mayfair - to walk around (short time) then went to Hillside Mall - had lunch at Tim Horton she had gift card and she has to pay the difference not enough Susanne had to explain to her she need to pay  $8.00 more as her gift card was empty (finish) she understood as Susanne had to explained twice all good.- walk around then Susanne drop NLS off at her work at Tuf Turf and told NLS that her parents will come pick her up after her work, (to remind her) she wave and say see you next week.




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