Client:Maisie B



Maisie B

July 2 - Chat w/Cecelia re: sweeping & spray clean windows counters etc, Uptown library, Westgate village pwd office, beacon hill park, made dental cleaning appnt, m had a beer with her Dad, she liked how he treated her like an adult, M works tomorrow, Happy that she received her bus pass, concerned that she hasn't received her new ID yet

July 9 - Sleep in till 9 on days off, call every morning 8:30 re: medication taking,

ASSESSMENT: not a test; simply about learning about supports re: the gender process.

Look at video link together; 2 clinics for the surgery (Vancouver 2019 and Montreal); both do penile inversion; Vancouver does scrotal hair removal for using tissue (paid for from a pot of $); virtual intake, then surgeon intake, then go see surgeon in person for look at what needs to be done;
Pelvic floor physiotherapist (re: vaginalplasty dialations);
M wants vaginalplasty (internal and external)
Surgery at ubc hosp or Vancouver hospital
Stent is left in for 5-6 days after surgery; start gently with small dialators (starting 4x per day and slowly reduces over time to once per week; long time commitment)
See surgeon 1 week after surgery;
Can M stay in Vancouver for 3 weeks for appointments? (Easier than traveling to/from victoria);
One year wait for surgery (hair removal using electrolysis is what determines the time);
Dr Metscer has been medication prescriber since a child; new referral in process;
Autism and ADHD diagnoses;
Depression in high school; takes Prozac for it
WELBUTRIN for anxiety and depression.
Not leaving her room
Methylphenidate for ADHD
Sometimes has trouble reading social cues and has caused problems with K;
I added to info that M isn't only staying in her room; I shared that M works 2 days per week and is out walking and completing tasks 2x per week= 4 days per week out of house
K asking M if what she's saying fits for M;
Living on own since Dec2023;
SW'er at hospital can help with income supports;
Will need someone to help with cooking; k said M will stay with her during healing time;
Testes will be removed so no future option for having a child; M decided about no sperm banking;
Hormone blockers take 4 months to wear off plus lupron =7 months needed to acquire sperm;
Olive fertility clinic in Victoria; due to blockers, sperm would be removed differently;
K often leads M in conversation to a place where K wants to be. Not necessarily where M wants to be.
K said ask Dr Rhodes for referral to fertility clinic;
No allergies. Can't inhale anything before surgery (no weed).
Watched video.

*See the Transcare BC website>surgery >understanding the procedure >

*See online workbook - create self-care plan here

Approx 6months to feel sensation; about a year for full healing
Post-op challenges can be pain/discomfort; at a level of only needing xstrength tylenol or advil; no narcotics needed

Initially, urine will spray until inflammation goes down. Then urine will be more of a stream.
Good hygiene EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Need to shower every day. Clean underwear everyday. Will use a pad initially.

Will initially go to Diamond centre at Vancouver General hospital; surgery could be at UBC OR VGH

Call Dr Metscer in 3weeks; ask if they received referral and sent in? to the gender surgery program bc? Is M on the list?; receive call in about a year; surgery is in a number of years


July 11 - Went to taps, filed 2023 taxes, phoned icbc, they're upgrading system and I'd will arrive in mail in another 2 weeks, drove to Mt doug, walked beach and trail, M ran up big hill instead of using stairs, expressed want to exercise more, talked about 5 yr plan, person centered plan, simple introduction with agreement to return to this topic to talk further, talked about idea of zoom meeting with k, Nikki, m and I, again...simply introduction of idea re: helping M and K reshape their relationship to be positive while supporting M to make her own choices, talked about "its ok to make mistakes" as they provide opportunities for our learning, talked about island health intake opportunity for more supports such as medication taking support, M was emphatic that she doesn't want someone else doing that, M wants writer to continue with morning calls to ensure meds are taken, m expressed concern about having to pay for part of her meds from her tim hortons pay (she did this time; $27). Writer said this should come from M's pwd money

July 16 -Working this Fri and sun, boss reduced menu items and gave support, went to goldstream waterfall and up toward trestle (no access), esq lagoon fed pigeons, walked beach, not sure if she's ready to take on her own financial responsibility (need more detailed conversation); M showed me her blister packs (on correct day and is taking all on time)

July 18 -$29 chattr plan, $10 Sim card? autopay, use pwd $ for, work till 6 on bday, dinner at 6:45 at bar&grill with family, turning 20, went to tillicum Roger's phone store, $29 plan only available next 2 weeks, m wants to set up chattr plan next thurs at Yates st fido store, they may waive Sim card fee, walked breakwater, m loved the high waves and took videos, talked about person centered plan, will put pen to paper next Tues, Katrina said (again) that walks w/writer are a waste of time, k causing m anxiety and doubt by saying m could be evicted if she doesn't spend more time out of her room (I said that as long as we continue to check in with Cecelia about chores, etc, there shouldn't be any reason for eviction); m uses headphones w/ her computer and is quiet; m wants to grocery shop next thurs, planning food to take to work for break time;

Writer shared info re: worklink ie free 1st aid, whimis (M has whimis), job search support

Picked up free computer monitor; m set it up in her bdrm and is super excited about being able to use split screens 😀

July 23 -Go to mycamosun re: 3 courses ciriculum: view courses, ,watch email for camosun letting M know that it's time to register courses: can apply for funding,
Apply for ID 10 days before registration, do math review,
NOT SURE IF SHE WANTS TO PERSUE SCHOOL (thinks she will be happier retaining pwd and working part-time, feels alot of pressure from Katrina to do more with her life, m said she can ask K to keep goal talk to msging and not when they see eachother, HOMEWORK: M will research youtubing, keyword searches: content work, successful youtuber traits, rules of youtubing; MET NIKKI AT STARBUCKS TO REVIEW PCP

July 25 - Yates st fido for chattr plan (system down; go back on tues); save on half meds low presxrip number available), pharmacist gave M name of 2 meds that are low; m will take to tues Dr appointment for additional prescription, groceries (bread, milk, cereal), Winners (bought 3 pairs shorts), milk home then to Mt doug (walked to peak from parking peak), m doesn't feel any emotional or hormonal changes from shots, had a good sleep last night

July 30 - Went to Taps (no tax docs ready yet), fido on Yates (connected to $29 plan), opened savings account at Tillicum Coast capital savings, deposited $2500 tax return, (uses Koho credit card), went to Best buy to price out a gaming PC, found $1200 one (great specs that meet M's needs for streaming, gaming and vr headset), agreed to think about it until thurs (wanted to buy it today), m is looking forward to meeting with Nikki on thurs, went for 20 min walk in tillicum forest, I reminded her about her Dr appointment today at 2:15 (sign surgery form and give pharmacist info re: medication update

3 goals:
1) attend college- Electrical Foundations program: speak with academic advisor, talk to program department, follow up with camosun email direction, register, apply for student ID, buy textbooks,

2) hygiene- make schedule for Showering, brushing teeth, trimming nails,

3) (Passionate about this), need ethernet connection and better computer with better cpu) GOAL: to become (gaming content) streamer or youtuber as a career: find niche (how you will stand out from the crowd), grow audience, make consistent schedule; m will watch tutorials, develop online persona of a successful youtuber (characteristics: charismatic, funny, have unique bits/jokes), m wants to centre her channel around weed, up editing skills to edit content

Shaun D

  • M continues to complete tasks to make her life easier and reduce her anxiety. M said that she currently feels her anxiety is significantly reduced.
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