Client:Robyn A.



Robyn A.

Aug. 1st - Volunteered at Food Bank. Robyn is getting comfortable w/the regular group of volunteers. She says hello & asks how people are doing. While working Roby enjoys playing music & tells people who we are listening to when they pop in to ask. She still asks how she is doing & I ask her how she feels she is doing.

Aug. 2nd - Namaste is at a new location further into Victoria. We get there early & Roby says hello to people she knows. She is beginning to say hi to people that she doesn’t know but, we see each time we go.

Aug.7th - Took a walk around the paths leading to fire hall.

Aug. 8th - Worked at the Food Bank but, finished early. We went for a walk around the Community Gardens & checked out all the flowers & giant veggies.

Aug. 9th - Horseback riding today. I’m stepping back & verbally cuing Roby on grooming steps.  She forgets certain steps when she isn’t coming due to summer camps.

Aug. 14th - Went for a good walk along trails between Church Rd & Otter Point rd. Roby is remembering her walking stick.   We also went to the office so she could work on her Math & English skills. We discussed going up a grade by September.

Aug. 15 - Food bank volunteering

Aug. 16th - Namaste. Robyn got up to sing in front of the whole group today. I can’t hear her but, she’s at least going up to join in.

Aug. 22nd - We went & helped clean the Food Bank space today. Roby needed directions explained a couple of times. (Dumped clean water bucket instead of dirty). She worked hard & steady.

Aug. 23rd - More work on XL math & reading skills. Took a walk along trails.

Aug. 28th - I asked Roby if she was the one that told me about Rene leaving. She did not remember. We went for a walk along trails & worked on goals. Roby wanted to call Mum to help. I said that “they were goals we already discussed & that we could do them ourselves.” Roby slammed her hand on the table & got teary. I told her I would give her a minute to herself. She apologized & said she was more upset about Rene leaving.  We finished the goals. I spoke to Mum about how emotional she was ( Mum mentioned R. starting her period, I told R. she could let me know as the other ladies do, this helps w/planning activities, energy level & emotions). We talked about fun things R has done w/Rene.

Aug. 29th - Went to office to work on XL & make a farewell card for Rene. Rene came in w/new staff Julie.  R felt better about seeing Rene & saying good bye.

Work on making own choices of activities & outdoor time.

Being responsible for my own friendships & initiating conversations.

Christine M.

Robyn is speaking up for herself however, I am reminding her that some of the goal work she needs to come up w/on her own & work w/me to create a plan of action. This doesn’t always have to involve her Mum, especially if we already discussed some & it will be done on our time together.

I have also talked to Robyn about listening to my directions around work we are doing or even a safe path to walk.  This can prevent injuries & doing extra work that isn’t necessary.

I am working on Robyn doing more for herself, coming up w/her own goals & working independently when she is out in the community w/me.

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