Client:Erin F.



Erin F.

Aug. 9th - Erin & I worked on the Home Share form. It was hard to keep her focus & Erin sometimes answered w/out giving deep thought to the answers. I reminded her that this was about her sharing a home w/someone who isn’t family & needs to know how capable & independent she is w/certain things like taking medications when she is suppose to or, taking care of her own hygiene routine.

Aug. 13th - Swimming at the pool. We laugh a lot at being goofy in the whirlpool & trying to pass each other. Erin chose to go to McD’s for a birthday treat.  She has talked a lot about her Mom missing this milestone 30th bday.

Aug. 16th - Erin was feeling a bit down today & was not up to going out. Her Dad was away & she was thinking about her Mom. We stayed at her place & played Clue which seemed to cheer her up. She enjoyed hosting & getting a lemonade drink for me.

Aug. 23rd - Erin had her counselling appointment right around our booked time. I drove her & picked her up. We talked about asking Dad to book her appointments in the morning.

Aug. 26th - We went for a walk at Whiffen spit. Erin expressed sadness over her Mom & some anxiety she was feeling. I asked if she is letting her counsellor know she said “yes”.

Aug. 30th - Went for a walk & talked about work. Erin is getting lots of hours & likes her job. She is talking to her manager about possibly trying a different dept.

Prepare for Mom’s family service in Regina.

Work on goals for the next year.

Christine M

Erin is still grieving the loss of her Mom however, she is still open to talk about how she feels & doing social things to keep busy. Walking her dog, night market, karaoke.

Erin came up w/some good goal ideas. The last time I worked w/her on goals she had no plans or ideas on what she wanted to do.

Although Erin was excited about checking out an apt. she decided that a Home Share was a better first step to leaving home.

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