“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.”

— Jean Vanier

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Out and About Respite

Out and About Respite is open to any adult with diverse abilities living in the Sooke, Colwood and Langford areas.

The goals of Out and About Respite are an opportunity to socialize with peers, but most of all to have FUN!  

Twice per month on Saturdays, 10am – 5pm, trips are planned by the participants which include recreational activities as well as often going out for lunch.

Pick up and drop off can be arranged in Sooke, Colwood and Langford.

The cost to participate is $100 for respite and transportation, plus the personal cost of activities and lunch.

For upcoming trip dates and activities check out the Out and About Respite Schedule.

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