First Name and Last Initial of IndividualJames Jordan
ContractCommunity Inclusion
Reporting PeriodMay 1, 2022 - April 30, 2023
Goal 1Spend more time in nature
Goals and Progress Towards GoalsList at least 3 goals you have been working on. Describe how you worked towards those goals and their progress towards achieving them.
Goal 2Buy and set up a fish tank
Progress Towards Goal 1

James enjoys going for walks outside of the city. We walked around Thetis Lake many times. James purchased his fresh water licence and fished Thetis Lake. No fish were caught, but he enjoyed the process. We’ve also walked around Swan Lake, Goldstream park, Dallas Rd and on the breakwater.  James wants to begin riding his bike again, now that the weather is warmer. James's Homeshare provider is going to pick up the bikes in his truck from Grandma's home. 

Progress Towards Goal 2

Beginning on May 19/22, James and I visited many pet stores. We went to Creatures, Mr. Pets, PetSmart and Blue World Aquariums to talk with Aquarium experts. James wanted to acquire as much knowledge as possible before purchasing his own aquarium. He also watched many utube videos about setting up a tank, learned about chemicals to keep the PH level correct, pricing out fish, etc. James is a methodical person when working on his goals. He learned a surprising amount of knowledge about running an aquarium before he was ready to purchase one. Instead of buying large rocks for the tank, we went to Esquimalt Lagoon and Island View beach to pick them out personally. James eventually bought a 38 gallon tank and we found 15 free guppies. The fish and James are all very happy now! James’s tank is beautifully set up with rocks and plants. 

Goal 3Increase cooking and food purchasing skills for a healthier diet
Progress Towards Goal 3

While still living with his Grandmother, James talked a lot about wanting to learn more about cooking for himself. When James moved to his Homeshare, cooking opportunities opened up for him. He is encouraged to make himself breakfast and lunch. I help James to prepare his food when I arrive at his home each Tuesday and Thursday. Supper is prepared by the Homeshare provider, and James helps with the food prep.  

James is a methodical grocery shopper and has learned how to assess food label information before purchasing items. He learned about sugar, sodium and fibre amounts in the food he buys. Prior to James moving into his Homeshare, we shopped at Walmart weekly. He is also a thrifty shopper and weighs his options before choosing an item. 

Summary of Service Reporting Period

James is a very respectful person who cares about being kind to others. He enjoys talking about building computers and building avatars. James and I met with a Financial Advisor at his bank, and set up a RDSP account. He is excited about the large sum that will be available to him in 30 years, on his current path of investment. 

James goes to Anchor Dental in Esquimalt for regular 6 month check ups. His initial appointment this year required a simple cleaning. During his second 6 month appointment, he had one cavity filled. Although he has some anxiety about going to the dentist, he manages it well and follows through with his appointments. 

James sees Dr Salminew regularly, and there are no longer concerns about James’s health. Dr Salminew retired from his practice and James now sees Dr Rasiah at the same Saanich Plaza Medical Clinic. 

James goes to Esquimalt Barber shop for regular haircuts.  

James brought his 2022 tax information to be processed and filed by TAPS.  

James and I met his new Homeshare provider, Omar, Sept.8 and Sept.22/22 to discuss the possibility of James moving into his home. There was a great initial contact, and it moved forward with James moving into Omar’s home on October 31, 2022. James is thrilled to be living there, and is doing well. 


Additional Comments/Recommendations

James struggles to follow a regular sleep routine, and this impacts his ability to feel well rested on a regular basis. James wants to acquire a part time job but knows that in order to be successful, a regular sleep routine must come first. James agrees to create a healthier sleep routine, but struggles with the follow through. James has agreed to eventually check out Work BC services. 

James met with Jennifer Neely at the Extensions Day Program on April 20, 2023 and we are in the process of figuring out if James can manage transportation to and from the program. James prefers to begin meeting with Building Bridges Community Support participants again. This is also currently work in process.

Name of Person Completing the ReportShaun Devore
Your RoleCommunity Inclusion Support Worker
Date of ReportApril 30, 2023
Date CreatedApril 30, 2023
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