First Name and Last Initial of IndividualDanica J.
Individual's Date of BirthAug. 27th, 1990
Reporting PeriodDec. 5th, 2023 - May 31st, 2024
Goal 1Developing a comfortable relationship w/new support worker.
Goals and Progress Towards GoalsList at least 3 goals you have been working on. Describe how you worked towards those goals and their progress towards achieving them.
Goal 2Choosing healthier food choices.
Progress Towards Goal 1

Danica talked about staff changes & wanting to have the same person on a continuous basis.

At first we would work parallel on a craft project w/very little conversation. After a few weeks Danica started to tell me about her family.

On one of our walks, Danica had a “vision” of “spirits”. I asked her to describe them to me & how they made her feel. She told me how it started, what she went through when they first happened & how upsetting it is that they keep appearing. Danica was sobbing & said that she needed to talk to her doctor about “upping” her medications as the “spirits” are appearing more often.  Danica has had a few episodes of seeing the spirits when we are out walking. She has stated that it’s “not fair” that she is the only one that sees & hears them. She also expressed concern that she can’t make friends when this keeps happening to her.

Danica has seen her doctor & her meds have been increased. She also goes to counselling.

Progress Towards Goal 2

Danica was buying sweet drinks & 2 donuts every two weeks after bowling. She also bakes at home & buys cookies etc for her house.  She has expressed wanting to lose weight ( I believe a conversation happened at home).  Danica is now bringing large water bottles on our outings, as well as oranges for snacks. We talk a lot about meal plans & what is in cupboards at home determines food options for snacking on.

When we are out in the community, Danica is asking to go for long walks.

Goal 3Maintaining friendships that are reciprocal.
Progress Towards Goal 3

Danica expressed concerns that 2 friends she saw on a regular basis could be “bossy” & she would be the one to pay for lunches, dinners & drive them around etc.   We talked about how that made her feel, the cost involved considering they worked more than her & what she wanted from a friendship.                   She has contacted a friend that she had lost touch w/due to having a baby. They got together & went for a park visit. That friend picked her up & dropped her off. They have made plans to meet regularly.  Danica also expressed how nice it was to be around a little one.

Summary of Service Reporting Period

Danica has talked about fears, things that make her anxious, family upsets (aging grandparents), real friendships & how to use coping tools when dealing w/“spirits”.  She is working on distractions when she has a vision, she is discussing her feelings w/her friends & opening her time up for true friendships as well as working on what makes her feel better about herself.

Additional Comments/Recommendations

Since adding a higher dose to her medications, Danica’s visions aren’t as frequent.

She has expressed fear of being alone at home while waiting for someone to be there w/her.  She has also expressed wanting more community support hours to help her work on her goals.

Name of Person Completing the ReportChristine M
Your RoleCommunity Support Worker
Date of ReportMay 30th, 2024
Date CreatedMay 30, 2024
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