Application Date01/03/2024
Primary Applicant
NameShimeran Shradha Goundar
Birth Date08/27/1997
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Secondary Applicant (Secondary Caregiver)
NameMaheshwari Goundar
Birth Date10/04/1974
Tell us why you want to become a Home Share Provider
What do you know about being a home share provider for an adult with diverse abilities?

Home sharing is an arrangement where an adult with a disability lives in a person’s home and receives support and services based on their personal goals and needs.
Home sharing happens when a CLBC eligible person, and a person paid to provide support, live together in a home that is rented or owned by the paid support person. The paid support person is called a home sharing provider. Sharing skills and experiences home sharing providers, and the adults who live with them, enrich each others lives.

Why are you considering becoming a home share provider at this time?

To support vulnerable adults, provide shelter, extra income, utilize the home to its potential and help out the community.

Will others be impacted by this decision (children, partner, others living in the home, etc.)? If so, have they been consulted and are they supportive of the choice?

Those that will be impacted have been made aware and are supportive of the decision.

Tell us about yourself and those who live within the home
Would you be comfortable supporting someone with complex needs? Please check the items you would be willing to support:
  • Addictions issues
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Augmentative communication
  • Blind, deaf
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Communicable health conditions
  • Dementia
  • Diabetes
  • Diet management
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Incontinence
  • Intensive behaviour
  • Loud, shouting
  • Medication compliance
  • Mental health support needs
  • Mobility/physical disability
  • Personal care
  • Seizure disorder/epilepsy
  • Sexual inappropriateness
  • Smoker
  • Stealing
  • SuicidalWandering, running away
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