Client:Aurea J



Aurea J

Not Applicable

Breony Ayers

Feb 1st- Auera is packing and planning on going to her sister's place for a visit. We did a little chatting about how she was feeling about this. Sounds like she is going to be helping her family for a few days. 


Feb 3rd- Aurea and Hunter were both feeling ill today. I had offered to bring them some medication as they are not close to the store and don't have a vehicle. We talked a few times. They ended up being able to get some help. It’s a challenge not to have access to a vehicle when visiting her sister. 


Feb 8th- cancelled today not feeling well. 


February 10- still not feeling well. Cancelled this morning.


February 13th Aurea is feeling better. We chatted today for a while. She has had a lot to deal with. Having a toddler and being sick. Aurea is looking forward to having a visit. 

We will get together on Wednesday. 


February 15th We got together today. We headed to a couple of stores today and got stocked up on essentials. We also had some dinner together and talked about what she would like to work on as we are coming into a new season. Aurea mentioned working on getting more activity and enjoying the sun. She did say it is hard to set goals as she is just managing being a mom and that is overwhelming some days. She just wants to focus on keeping Hunter safe and healthy. She is open to speaking to a nutritionist and exploring some new food options for Hunter. 


February 27th- Aurea and I talked today. We chatted about how the last few days have been for her and I took the opportunity to mention that we should work towards setting some new goals for the year. Since they had a tough start to the year. I inquired about Hunter and how he is feeling and how she is feeling about his development. We are going to talk more on Wednesday to talk about what types of resources she could access. We also talked about maybe reaching out to a nutritionist to discuss improving their health with a more balanced nutritionally-based diet. I also talked about how this is important for Hunter's growth. I reinforced that knowledge is power: 

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