Client:Shirley T



Shirley T

June 3 - Shirley wanted to get some concert tickets to Sarah Mclachlan in November but unfortunately they were sold out. It was very windy today so we hung out at the mall. Shirley wasn’t very talkative and had a difficulty communicating at times. 


June 4 - We went to the Victoria Art Gallery today, as it was admission by donation. Then Shirley wanted to go to the Maritime Museum downtown, then lunch at the Bay Centre. Shirley wasn’t too talkative today, but more alert and focused then she was the previous day. 


June 6 - Went for a walk at Beaver Lake, then lunch at Hillside Mall. Shirley was very energetic and talkative today. She even ran into an old friend at the mall and had a chat which really made her day!


June 14 - Shirley is out in Sidney today so I picked her up and took her into downtown Sidney. She wanted to get a new purse, and garbage bags so we went walking around to various stores and thrift shops. Found the garbage bags, no luck on the purse. Shirley was in fairly good spirits today, not too talkative. It was a last minute move for her so it was a sudden change but she seems to be handling it quite well. 


June 17 - Shaw ocean discovery Centre, followed by thrifting to look for a jacket for Shirley. Shirley was feeling very chilled today, and wasn’t very energetic 


June 24 - We went to the Sidney museum, checked out an Art Show at the ArtSea Gallery at Tulista Park, had lunch at Tim Hortons, then walked around. Shirley was energetic today and in a positive mood. We found out that the ArtSea Gallery has a new show each week so we are looking forward to seeing the new exhibit next week.


June 25 - We went to the Aviation Museum near the airport, lunch at Subway then a long walk around Sidney. Shirley enjoyed the museum, was a bit slow moving today but did a lot of walking. She enjoys being at Imelda's sisters house, but she is looking forward to being back home. 


June 26 - We spent the day at Butchart Garden. Shirley was low energy, not overly talkative, enjoyed walking around the gardens.


June 27 - We went thrifting around Sidney, lunch at Tim Hortons then had a nice walk. Shirley was very energetic and talkative today


  1. Continued Health and Wellness
  2. Get together with Kim (sister) at least once a month
  3. Spend more time outside

Courtney Horneland

Shirleys home share provider, Imelda, was called away suddenly due to a death in the family and had to leave for the Phillippines quite suddenly. Shirley went to stay at Imeldas sisters (Marilou) in Sidney. It was quite an unexpected change in Shirleys situation, but she handled it very well. She was grateful to have a place to go where she feels comfortable but was missing her home.

Due to the unexpected events, then myself getting quite sick for a few days, our schedule was thrown off a bit. As a result we weren't able to connect with Shirleys sister this month but hope to do so once Shirley is back home and settled. We did spend a lot of time walking around outdoors and were able to explore some new and interesting places in and around Sidney.

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