Client:Shirley T



Shirley T

July 2 - We went to another Art Show in Sidney, did some thrifting then had lunch at Tim Hortons. Shirley was very energetic, and in good spirits!


July 3 - We drove into Victoria today, Shirley wanted to get her feet done at her usual place in Mayfair and wanted some wool for a project she was working for (she couldn’t find anything she liked around Sidney, she wanted to go to Walmart for a specific type of yarn). She was very talkative and energetic today


July 4 - Shirleys sunglasses broke so she wanted to go to the dollar store in Sidney for a new pair. Then we went for a short harbour walk and had a picnic lunch. It was quite hot today so Shirley was feeling low energy and wanted to go home a bit earlier than usual.


July 8 - We went for a walk around downtown Sidney, another Art show, then a walk along the water. Shirley was energetic today


July 9 - It was  a hot day so we tried to go to a new park I found online that seemed like it would be shady, plus had bathrooms - when we got there there the washrooms were locked and Shirley was anxious about spending time there so instead we went to the museum to stay cool. After lunch we checked out a new park in the area called Cy Hamson Park. It was a nice easy walk (not too long as it was hot out) and Shirley enjoyed it. She had good energy today, not overly talkative. 


July 10 - We went for a nice walk, had a picnic lunch outside, then checked out a really nice Rose Garden by the Sidney Library. It wasn’t so hot out today so Shirley was very energetic and talkative


July 11 - Shirleys last day in Sidney so we walked along the harbour, then she wanted a back scratcher so after checking out a few stores with no luck, we went to Canadian Tire where she found what she was looking for. Then a picnic lunch, and went to see the Art Show again.

Shirley was very energetic and looking forward to going home today!


July 15 - Shirley is back home, and we had made plans to go get a haircut today, however she was very uncommunicative today. We drove to the hairdressers but when we got there Shirley just sat in my vehicle, didn’t respond to anything I said, so I suggested we do the haircut another day and instead go for a nice walk. We went to Beaver lake for a walk, and then Mayfair for lunch. Today was the most challenging day I have had communicating with Shirley. She was unresponsive for the most part, would rarely acknowledge me if I said anything, or she would just look at me and smile. 


July 16 - I took Shirley to get her haircut this morning. Then to walmart so she could by some toothbrushes and Cadboro Park for a picnic lunch. Shirley wasn’t overly talkative today but more alert than yesterday.


July 17 - We went to Hillside mall for a bit, then to Shirleys dentist appointment. She was much more alert and talkative today!


July 18 - Shirley is getting a head start on Christmas and bought a gift for Kim at the Bay Centre mall today! (a canucks hat).. Then we checked out the summer market at Bastian Square downtown, stumbled across an Art Gallery that we checked out (Gage Gallery). Then lunch at Fishermans Wharf. Shirley was energetic and alert today.


July 22 - We went to Mayfair for a bit, then to Beacon Hill park for lunch, a walk, then we went to a free concert in the park. Shirley was very energetic and talkative today.


July 23 - We went for a walk at Gorge Park, then to a movie at SilverCity (Twisters). Shirley was high energy today, excited about the movie!


July 24 - The air was really smoky today. We went to a thrift shop, then Hillside Mall. We were hoping to go for a walk outside but the air quality wasn’t great but Shirley still enjoyed walking around the mall and was in good spirits today. 


July 25 - We picked Kim up and went to the Butterfly Gardens, then lunch at Floyds. Shirley was glad to see Kim, but was low energy and not overly talkative. 


  1. Continued Health and Wellness
  2. Get together with Kim (sister) at least once a month
  3. Spend more time outside 

Courtney Horneland

We spent a lot of time outside this month and were able to get together with Shirleys sister. Shirley felt comfortable in Sidney but was very happy to be back home. After coming home, it seems to have taken some time for her to get readjusted. The first day we spent together was a bit challenging since Shirley was very low energy and not overly responsive, but things improved as the week progressed. Also, since getting back, Shirley has been having a difficult time locking her door when she leaves in the morning. She usually doesn’t have a problem, or sometimes it takes her a couple of tries before she gets it, but these past couple of weeks have been a struggle for her and I often had to help her with it. 

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