Client:Maisie B



Maisie B

Aug 1, 2024 -Best buy for new gaming PC, Meet Nikki at Starbucks, save on foods for snacks, m is going to use her vr headset tonight, works tomorrow

Aug 8 -Library for income report, Westside pwd office to submit report, informed m that gst and tax refunds are exempt from change in pwd amount, K said to M that M must be "buying things". M doesn't know how k knows. M bought a game boy console to replace one that k took from her as a child, k still has 2 of m's consoles. M wants them back, but uncomfortable asking for them. M changed the password on her email. M AGREED TO CREATE NEW EMAIL ACCOUNT TO COMMUNICATE WITH NIKKI AND I.

Went to beacon hill drive in. M bought fries and chocolate milk shake, I bought fries and tea. Took them to picnic table in bhp where we discussed and completed m's pc plan, then fed ducks, walked park and m shared memories.

We were going to create a budget plan today, but m "smoked weed" prior to meeting me. I said I'm not here to tell you how to run your life, but if you want to work on goals like budgetting, it would help if you don't smoke before we get together. M was apologetic and agreed that it wasn't a good choice. And that she won't do it again.

Aug 13 - To uptown Roger's re: setting up Chattr monthly payment, created monthly budget, cleaned/organized bedroom, walked tillicum trail; K and Dad going away for a week; M and brother (Solomon) and gf (Belle) feeding dog while they're away, M's bro's bday tomorrow, M may meet him for coffee

Aug 15 - Picked up new PC from Best Buy, (can get headaches if too much time in sun), walked round base of Mt doug in shade, assembled new PC; Wants to talk more about emotional intelligence (says she is a feeling person who can react in ways she wish she hadn't without thinking about situation enough), drove M to parent's house (pioneer Co op on Dominion St in vic west) to walk their dog for 45 min, M doesn't like their dog and feels stressed in having to walk the "1 yr old high anxiety neurotic dog", k and Dad are away for at least a week, M talked with Sol recently about taking the bus together to visit family up island, M gave Sol a bday gift (handheld console) through his gfrnd Bella at parents place, sol is 14 months older than M, Dad took Rosa and Sol to visit grandparents in Ontario not long ago

Aug 27 - Called icbc re: BC service card ID not yet received, best buy re: wifi setup, M bought gadget with several types of PC plug ins,, tillicum walk, picked/ate prunes, k not calling as much, m answering when she does, calls are happier, m brought up that she is so happy in her life right now, loves the financial freedom that she never had before, loves her new PC and 2 new handhelds, enjoys her 4 online friends who are kind and encouraging to M, loves her "smart, funny and loving" dad, went to computer game store, M bought a gaming controller, found a quarter on the ground and played a video game with it in the gaming room, M's friend Zack "will be a small support" after M's surgery, is a really good guy, and just a friend

Aug 29 - Taps to p/u tax forms (received email that it's ready); grocery shopping at Wholesale warehouse ($64 veggies, fruit, meat, chunky soup); wash sheets together every Thurs; went for dinner at bradys fish n chips; walked back side of elk lake, transferred $40 to savings as per budget ($40 if TH pay is in $400's; $30 if TH pay is in $300's)

  1. Create budget
  2. Set up new phone plan with chattr
  3. Work on receiving BC service card

Shaun D

Continuing to complete tasks and goals to simplify M's life and reduce her anxiety.

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