Client:Makayla T.



Makayla T.

Aug. 6th - Drove M to physio. Walked dog & participated in a Drug & Substance Use workshop. Makayla spoke up about experiences in her family w/confidence.

Aug. 7th - Walked her dog & did a workshop on Paddle Pendant carving, sanding & design. Makayla bantered, laughed & showed that she was comfortable w/her instructors by opening up about her family & heritage.

Aug. 12th - Walked Trooper, went for groceries for Makayla to make the family dinner then went to the gym for a workout.  Makayla often talks about what she is making for the family meal. Curries, chicken, pasta.

Aug. 13th - Walked dog & worked on finishing the large storage box the ladies made for the band. Makayla & 1 other girl worked on the box & show anyone walking by the job they did & the skills used to make it.

Aug. 14th - Walked dog & did copper art projects w/instructor.

Aug. 21st - Walked Trooper, went up Sooke for errands (cash cheque, get groceries) then went to the gym for weights work out.

Aug. 26th - Took Trooper for a walk. Updated resume for CFBC typed & copied.

Aug. 27th - Office cleaning today & filled out an application form for Samish Nation.

Aug. 28th - Walked Trooper & drove to Langford for dentist.

Aug. 29th - We went to look at a brand new bachelor apt. available for Makayla if she wants it. She said she was surprised it came up so quickly. I asked her to do a pro/con list in order to help her decide if she was ready to move.

Attend course/workshops through T’Souke Nation & Construction Foundation.

Prepare for possible job placements. Renewed resume.

Check out new apt. opportunity & possible move.

Continue excellent work on healthy life choices.

Christine M

Makayla opened up to the instructors about herself & her family. She showed confidence in using skill saws, drills etc. once shown how. Makayla used humour when telling her stories, laughed a lot & made everyone else laugh too. She expressed liking the instructors & said she was going to miss them & doing the course/training.

When I spoke to Makayla about moving she said her Mom wants her to. She expressed concern about having to go through all her things & I said that she probably wouldn’t have to move everything at once.

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