



Aug 6 arcade

Aug 8 Mini golf

Aug 13 bowling

Aug 15 movie

Aug 20 swimming

Aug 22 EB games

Aug 27 petting zoo

Aug 29 fishermans whard

  1. Be more fit
  2. Get in the community more
  3. Get a job

Munny Rai

BC and i spend quiet a bit of time together during the week. BC and i have a lot of fun and do a lot of things together. As the time goes on though, I want BC to try to integrate himself (if completely possible) into the community more. So in the coming months, Sam and i have been putting in place some ways to integrate himself into the community more. Like going to the library is one for sure. BC agrees and maybe perhaps doing some volunteer work. All dependent of course but we are looking into different options as he would like to get a job at one point. We all agree that this involves baby steps into that venture, so bringing in volunteer work would be great.

All steps above would come in to effect after talking with management and Mike Engle of course

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